Monday, December 19, 2011

Let's talk about Holiday Parties and Allergies.

Hi everyone!

Around this time of year, people are baking cookies and cakes, preparing for parties, and eating a lot of food - more than we may normally eat during the rest of the year.  But, for those with food allergies, pot-lucks and catered affairs alike can require a little more navigation. 

First and foremost, if you're going to any parties where food is being served, don't be afraid to ask the party host what will be served AHEAD of time!  By asking what's being served, and by notifying your host of food allergies and dietary restrictions ahead of time, you increase the odds of you being able to safely eat!  Also, if the party is being catered, catering companies are required to provide full ingredient lists upon request - so ask away!  If, for whatever reason, you can't get an ingredient list ahead of time, you've at least given yourself the time and opportunity to come up with an alternate food plan for the evening.

Second, if you're going to a party that's pot-luck, take a few minutes to write down your ingredient list for your dish, and place it by your dish at the party.  Chances are you're not the only person with dietary restrictions in the room, and by providing a FULL ingredient list for your dish you're (1) helping other people with allergies know what's safe to eat, and (2) planting a seed.  Once others start to see ingredient cards included next to dishes, they will probably be more inclined to do so themselves.  Whether you have a food allergy/dietary restriction or not, you have the right to know what you're putting into your body, and doing something as simple as including an ingredient list can empower everyone in the room to make a more informed decision about what they choose to eat.

To make things even more festive, you can spruce up an ingredient list much like a place-card at a wedding would be.  Here's a quick holiday example I whipped up in Photoshop to illustrate what I mean:

I've also included a link to a full-sheet of ready-to-fill-in cards (in case you don't have Photoshop, or the time to make one):  Holiday Allergy/Ingredient Cards  Simply print this sheet on a piece of paper or card stock, fill out the information, cut it out, and you now have a stylin' way of communicating important information!

Third, if you are going to a pot-luck, contact your host and ask if any of the party-goers have food allergies, and then cook/bake accordingly!  Whether you have allergies or not, being contentious of others will make the party a happy and safe one for everyone.  (i.e. You wouldn't appreciate it if I put arsenic in the cookies I expect you to eat, so please don't put peanut butter in the cookies you expect me to eat!)

Last, but definitely not least:  make sure you bring your medication with you!  Always having your Epi pen, benadryl, etc. will not only give you peace of mind, but it will also ensure that if you do accidentally eat something you're allergic to, you can take steps to address the reaction immediately!  Also, make sure you tell your host/a trusted person at the party where you have these meds - that way if you need them but need help administering them, you have a helper who is already in the know.

That's all for now!  Please look forward to my next post, where I'm going to start getting into the nitty-gritty of allergy-safe baking, entitled:   Let's Make a Trade:  Safe Substitutions for Allergy-Safe Baking
Happy Baking,
The Allergic Baker

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